Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Bad Christian

"So I said to him, 'You know, Dad, you're a really good religious person, but you're a bad Christian.'" 
That comment has stuck in my head since yesterday afternoon.  A new friend was sharing herself with me and that is how she saw her dad, a pastor.  A tragedy for the people he ministered to, a tragedy for his family, a tragedy for his eternal self.  But I was encouraged by my friend's discernment.  Too many of us are "good religious people" but "bad Christians."
Here are a couple of things she brought up that are worth mentioning to those of us who minister in our local church Bodies:
1)  Once a notable member of the congregation brought three guests with her.  They were of a different race.  They were beautiful.  They were well-to-do.  And no one greeted them.  No one talked to them.  For weeks after that incident, everyone gave that church member the cold shoulder.  Hmmm. Would I react this way?
2)  Once a woman with a "spotted" past confessed her sin, God changed her life, but she was held at arm's length.  "She scrubbed the floors for those people, she made them meals, she washed the dishes after potlucks, and they treated her like dirt."  Hmmmm. Would I react this way?
I must say that, during our visit I did some dirt-checking of my own.  How do I think of others?  How do I treat others in our church Body?  If she were to come to our church, what would she see?  What do others see?  Do they see Jesus at work?  Or are we just a bunch of "religious people" playing church?
As we parted I shared an insight of my own.  "I've realized that it's not just about reading your Bible.  Even if people read the Bible everyday, it doesn't mean a thing until they come to the point of saying, 'God, you're right.  I'm wrong.  I need you to make up the difference.'"  And that is where Jesus Christ comes in.  There is no change--in fact, there is only petrification of stubborn pride--until I repent and submit to God.  Then, as I walk in the reality of my own frailty and failure, I am more accepting of others and more ready to point them to an all-sufficient, all-loving God.
I continue to chew on our conversation, with an eye on my attitude:  Am I defensive or repentant?  It's the difference between being a good religious person or a true Christian.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

End Notes

After arriving home from ladies' Bible study this morning, I realized we'd left loose ends in Sunday school, Young Adult Fellowship, and this morning's study.  Here are the resources and biblical references I didn't have on hand when they came up in discussion:

Sunday School—Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp: Here’s a book that biblically confronts the deceit of self-esteem: Raising Unselfish Children in a Self-Absorbed World by Jill Rigby

Young Adult Fellowship—Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges: The book, The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence was mentioned. Inside the cover it says, “‘Lord of all pots and pans and things…Make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates!’ Thus Brother Lawrence was able to turn even the most commonplace and menial task into a living hymn to the glory of God.”

Ladies’ Bible Study—The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges: Amos was referred to this morning as an example of someone who was taught by God (i.e. Titus 2:11-12 “…the grace of God…teaches us….”.) The reference is Amos 7:14-15.

Household management—my top pick is Bonnie’s Household Organizer by Bonnie McCollough. There are a lot of good resources out there! Although this is an older book, it is family-centered (not house centered) and has more practical ideas than I could ever use--there's always something I can improve on even if I learn s-l-o-w-l-y.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Quiet Discovery

I woke with a song this morning--more than that of the lovely owl who hooted in the dawn through our open window--there was a tune in my head...and words.  A tune and words I hadn't heard before.  The clock read 4:01.  And, instead of saying "Speak, Lord, for your servant hears,"  I seem to recall saying, "You've got to be kidding, Lord.  It's 4:00 a.m."

And the song continued.  I thought about stopping it and rolling over, but the thought that we actually have a notation program on the computer stopped me.  I tried recalling the notes and words--perhaps I would remember them at a more godly hour (!).   But the prompting in my head said, "Obedience is obedience--no matter what time of day."

So, I climbed out of bed, made a pot of coffee, fed the cat (who wakes me routinely at 4:30--my husband's cat, mind you), and sat down at the computer with ear buds.  It's not an earth shattering, gotta-hear-it-cause-it's-the-next-Keith-and-Kristyn-Getty-song (  But it's the gift God gave this morning.

And the realization came that, after reading a brief encouragement in World magazine (, October 9th issue), I stopped listening to audio books as much this week.  And, in the quiet, God spoke.  Maybe not when I would like, but in the quiet, unbroken hours. 

So stop already.  Make some quiet in your life today.  Wait and listen.  God is there.

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 59:16