Saturday, October 29, 2011

Being vs. Doing

I received this comparison of Super Woman vs. Abiding Woman from my brother, Sam, the other day and have been thinking on it ever since.  Perhaps you've seen it and been encouraged.  I was in that frame of mind when I sat down to read the book of Mark this morning and saw the phrase about the disciples taking Jesus away from the crowds in a boat "just as He was," before the storm.

Mark 4:35-41. 
v. 36-37:  Leaving the crowd, [the disciples] took Him along with them in the boat, just as He was; and other boats were with Him.  And there arouse a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up.

Impression:  Jesus was.  He didn’t act, or put on a show or pull out all the stops.  He simply walked and talked and healed and loved because of who He is.  It did not keep the storms at bay.  It did not keep life from happening around Him.  Life, in fact, was full of more difficulties as a result, not less.  He was unharried, unhurried, undisturbed; patient, kind, compassionate.  It’s Who He is.

Application:  By His Spirit, I can respond the same way.  I don’t have to do, to accomplish, to perform.  I am called to be—to be His workmanship, His vessel, part of His Body—where I am.  Even in the storm.  The storm will come.  People will clamor.  Needs will surmount.  And I cannot do it all.  I am only called to trust and obey, to do my part, as the Lord does His.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jesus, a Boy, and a Football Game

The best part of the football game happened outside the fence. Our daughters and I went to the game late. Hoping we wouldn't have to pay but not knowing, I stuffed paper bills in my pocket. It wasn't  enough. I sent the girls inside and watched from an open spot along the chain-link fence. 

As I stood alone, a 5th-grader approached.  "Did you already start Good News Club?" (see link for Child Evangelism Fellowship and look up Good News Club).  Another boy joined us .

"Who's that Jesus guy again?" he asked. I was thrilled. The first child left as the second boy and I talked about Jesus. He asked a lot of questions about Jesus, T.V. shows, and movies. And I got to share again about Jesus, sin, God, hell, and forgiveness.  He apologized for being distracted in Good News Club--but God was at work. It wasn't long before the teacher on duty invited me in. The little fellow was called away by his older brother and I joined the spectators in the stands.

As I've been reading the book of Mark I've been impressed with people's need and desire for Jesus.  They want Him. They follow Him. They surround and press in on Him.  From the beginning of the book people bring their friends to Jesus (1:32, 2:3).  The lame and ill could not get there themselves, but those who were well intervened. The theme ringing in my head has been, "bring them to Jesus."  When I care for our children and help them resolve differences I need to bring them to Jesus. When those around me are hurting or scared I need to bring them to Jesus. As I teach our women's Bible study--regardless of the topic--I need to bring them to Jesus.

In putting words on paper I am convicted of the many times my speech is contrary to His, my desires and motivations get twisted, my goals and mindset give in to distractions. If only I could keep others' need and Jesus' supremacy foremost in my mind, remembering my own great need for Him, then I would be ready to do His work (2 Timothy 4:2, John 6:38-40).  Today, let's bring them to Jesus.