
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Life Hack

I don't remember where I saw or read this housekeeping hack, but it sure makes a difference--and it's so simple! When I walk in to a room I simply ask, "What bothers me about this?" Maybe it's a pair of shoes on the floor, a magazine, pillow or blanket out of place. Sometimes it's dirty dishes, clutter, or crumbs. Whatever it is, even if I just fix one thing each time I pass from one place to the next I make progress.

The same is true in the rest of our lives. If we would stop to ask, "What bothers me about this ____ (relationship, situation, job, etc)" and allow God to work in and through us, we could do away with a lot of unnecessary static and clutter. It's hard to evaluate ourselves and our lives, but the introduction of social media, technology, and smart phones has created more distractions.

Instead of getting angry, writing people off, or giving them the silent treatment, stop and ask, "What bothers me about this?" Prayerfully consider the thoughts and desires of your heart. Be ready to confess, repent, deal with, or simply discuss life issues--and keep your eyes open for God's incredible, healing work.

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