
Thursday, February 8, 2018

God, Grace, and Lemon Meringue Pie

I got up early Saturday morning, made coffee, set out pie crusts to thaw, moved a mountain of laundry, spent time in Bible reading and prayer then shaped the crusts and put them in the oven. A child headed out for the day--and as I listened to my book on tape and started the lemon filling, I was happy and thankful.

Then the filling boiled, the pie crusts were done, and the husband entered the kitchen. I couldn't turn off my headset, the crusts fell apart and the filling continued to bubble. In that moment--and the ones that followed--I realized how little control I had.

We know we need God for the big stuff: a job, which job?, school? life partner? church? move? But the truth is, we need His help when it comes to making lemon meringue pie, too. I know I do.

After baking new crusts I prayed the filling would set, the meringue would hold, and continued praying, step-by-step, holding my breath as I packed multiple items for that day's fundraiser. God's grace extends to every moment, every choice, every thing that falls into place, and every thing that goes awry. We weren't in the Garden when God placed Adam and Eve, but His daily presence and interaction--as well as Scripture that exhorts us to trust Him--remind us that He created us to be fully dependent. God does not expect us to do it on our own. The American ideal of independence, especially individual independence, is not biblical. We cannot do it on our own. We can't make anything turn out the way we intended--either by wishing or extreme effort. When it does, if it does, it is an act of God's grace and favor.

The more I cry out to Him, ask for His help, and acknowledge His grace, the more praise, glory and honor He receives. The more I ask, the more He reveals Himself and is seen for who He really is. This week, I'm praising Him for lemon meringue pies (among other common and special graces).

As for God, His way is blameless;
The word of the Lord is tried;
He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.
For who is God, but the Lord?
And who is a rock, except our God,
The God who girds me with strength
And makes my way blameless?
He makes my feet like hinds’ feet,
And sets me upon my high places.
He trains my hands for battle,
So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.
You have also given me the shield of Your salvation,
And Your right hand upholds me;
And Your gentleness makes me great.
You enlarge my steps under me,
And my feet have not slipped. (Ps. 18:30-36)

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