
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Ah-hah's of the Creation Account

There is more than one way to use the Bible. It can be read, studied, memorized, listened to, and meditated on. That sounds self-evident, but the purpose of each will make a difference in one's spiritual walk.

Many of us study the Bible to teach a class or make a presentation. Studying the Bible is a great way to learn because we know who gets the most out of it--the teacher. Another way to use the Bible is to read, think about and pray it in fellowship with God with a desire to enjoy time in His presence, get to know Him, and ourselves, better.

My daily fellowship time has varied over the years--I've kept journals, made spreadsheets, hand-written Scripture, looked for patterns, and gone on rabbit trails. Yesterday I started on a chronological tour from the very beginning.

Here is an "ah-hah" from the first chapter of the Bible. (Since it's an ah-hah for me, that means it's  obvious and may make you say, "duh." I apologize for needless enthusiasm.)

Each part of creation follows the same pattern:
1) God said
2) "Let there be _____" for _____
3) and there was
4) God called ______, ______
5) God saw
6) it was good.

This is the basic pattern for light, waters above and below, land, sky, plants, stars/moon/sun, fish, birds, animals, man (with variation for man, but the same basic concepts).

In a world gone made with identity and self-fulfillment, these stood out with clarity. This entry is not intended to be a response to people or culture, it is a response to the Word of God. Take it personally or not; that's not my motivation.

1) God is the source of every good thing
2) God created specifically, completely, and with purpose (earth to sprout vegetation; plants to give seed and fruit, lights to separate night from day, etc.)
3) It happened the way God said it would (and nothing has changed)
4) God determined creation's name and identity
5) God was not absent from His creation, but present
6) God makes things well.

How does this affect my life today? Malachi 3:6 tells us that God does not change, so the truths of who God is and how He works carry over. Here are some implications for today:

1) God is the Giver of every good gift (James 1:17). When we accept Jesus' payment for sin in our place, God begins the transforming work of recreating us in righteousness and holiness (Eph 4:24).

2) God made man to image, or reflect, the Godhead. He determined creation's purpose--all of it, each part.

3) Everything happens according to God's will and plan. "Truly I have spoken, truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it." (Isaiah 46:11)

4) God is the source of identity. He was then, He is now.

5) God continues to be present. It may not be evident in our circumstances or emotions, but it is a fact. "The Lord is near." (Philippians 4:5)

6) God does all things well (Mark 7:37).  We may struggle and suffer and sin, but we can trust that God who originally designed and created all things continues to work out His plan and purpose with wisdom, patience and goodness.

And above all, as we endure suffering and sin, we know Jesus has suffered for us. He took our final judgement and we are free from condemnation through faith in Him (Romans 8:1-2). He is our advocate and has given us His Spirit as a guarantee and Helper. For that reason, it is well (1 John 2:1-2).

O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name in all the earth,
Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!
From the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength
Because of Your adversaries,
To make the enemy and the revengeful cease.

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?
Yet You have made him a little lower than God,
And You crown him with glory and majesty!
You make him to rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet,
All sheep and oxen,
And also the beasts of the field,
The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas.
O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name in all the earth!
(Psalm 8)

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