Monday, July 17, 2017

Student Edition: Attributes of God and Gospel Primer

There are two new pages on HeartQuencher. One is entitled, "Who is God Really?" Perhaps you've never given it much thought--or you have and don't know where to look. Maybe you're a pastor, Bible study leader, or biblical counselor and you're on the lookout for new material.

If that's the case, check it out, copy, print and use what's there. It's nothing more than a simplified version of A.W. Pink's manuscript, "Attributes of God" with easy-to-read English and room to write out Scripture. It's a work in progress, so it's not complete.

You can also find a simplified version of Milton Vincent's Gospel Primer on the page with the heading, "Unpacking the Gospel," written with permission, but not for sale.

Brad Bigney's prayer journal is also available in a simplified version. If you would like a copy or pdf of any of the above, email and request one from

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