
Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Personal Invitation

We did something new today--we attended a Latino festival and enjoyed a "by request only" Mariachi band. Children danced in the street, the costumes and music were intricate and fantastic. Our friends were many, not necessarily by name, but because of community, and it was wonderful to be included.

As we left the football game last night, our friend Francisco left the stands and followed us. He approached David and extended a personal invitation to today's performance. We wouldn't have made the effort if it hadn't been for Francisco's attention and thoughtfulness. We have watched his family over the years and have grown in our admiration and respect for them. They love one another. They love our community. They love others. And we have been included. Gringos. Americanos blancos.

What a parallel to the gospel! By loving and caring for others, going out of our way, and sharing God's goodness in Jesus, they might end up standing in the middle of la fiesta de la vida--the party of life. A personal invitation makes all the difference in the world. It's the way God works. He sends us out to invite, include, encourage and care for those we see and know, regardless of their walk in life or our outward similarities. We have something good to share--a vital, eternal gift. And all we're called to do is extend the invitation. Oh, to be a Francisco for God!

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