Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas Miracle

Shepherds and stink. Lanolin. Sweet smelling pellets. Steaming urine. Sweat. Layered clothing. Man smell. Beards. Smoke. Mud. Coarse laughter.
Angels. Good news. Good tidings. Great joy!
Shock. Silence. Weak limbs. Knees. Stillness. Slack jaws. Wonder.
Darkness. Stares. Craning. Nodding.
Excitement. Clambering. Running. Labored breathing. Wood on stone.
Searching. Peering. Knocking. Cursing.
Peace. Worship. Rejoicing.

People and sin. Selfishness. Pride. Unkindness. Shielded hearts. False appearances. Bitterness. Demands. Criticism.
Jesus. Death. Resurrection. Good news!
Shock. Disgrace. Embarrassment. Wonder.
Searching. Peering. Knocking. Asking.
Struggle. Surrender.
Peace. Worship. Rejoicing.


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