Thursday, September 5, 2013

It's All Good, Even When It's Bad

I just finished reading Romans 8 and this is what I learned: it's all good. Even when it's bad.
Despite tribulation
It's not good because it's good. It's good because God says it is. These things will happen, expect them. But God is bigger; His plan is comprehensive. It stretches from eternity past to eternity future. His love is a certainty.
Your life profile will include a mind that was set on fleshly, worldly things. It will include suffering, living in a world subjected to futility, inward groaning for a redeemed body. God knows.
So He has already done a couple of things.
1) He sent a spiritual Guide and Compass to direct our prayers (Romans 8:26-27)
2) His past provision through Christ has eternal consequences (Romans 8:29)
3) His present and future provision for us moves from one into the other (Romans 8:30)
4) He sealed it all, proving His love and intent, through the death of His one and only Son, Jesus.
Because of this, nothing in our experience happens apart from God's sovereign hand. He loves me. He chose this path, today's path, for His purpose: that I would be conformed to the image of Jesus.  Other things would be more comfortable, more pleasant, more enjoyable, but not more Divine. What could be better?
So come what may, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved (past tense with present and future application!) us.

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