
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

God in My Weakness

It's a petty thing.  I hesitate to write about it, but it's a big thing for me and I wanted to share it.

Do you ever wonder how the things you can't do could benefit someone else?  Or what you'll do with what you know?  Last week while counseling 4-6th grade girls at camp we were challenged to think along those lines.  Our week began with archery, ran into bumper boats, swimming and all the fun things that happen at camp (including lattes and frappes)!  But woven throughout was faithful teaching from God's Word.

Then, days later, I was struck between the eyes with the Bible teaching we received from Kristi Walker, who came to us from Berlin.  The point she brought up over and over is that God made each of us to show Him off, to bring Him honor and glory.  When she told the story of her colossal week as a camper, tears of laughter ran down my face.  It was epic!  Her point was that God has used her in spite of, even in areas of, personal weakness.  As she ended with Bible teaching of David and Samson, she challenged us to think of little ways we can be faithful (David caring for the sheep) and areas of struggle (Samson giving in to temptation and pride) that God might ultimately use for His glory.

That's what made me laugh with God today.  We got home from a morning in town and I realized God set me up in one of my great areas of weakness: cleaning house. 

When we got married I was a college student.  Young and inexperienced, I lived like a college student, comfortable with clutter (I still am!).  As children joined our lives, I thought it prudent to leave out Legos as burglar-prevention devices.  Toy trucks and farm machinery, too.  My husband, on the other hand, is half Dutch.  His mother still sweeps the dirt.  As she is able, she washes windows, inside and out, three times a year.  Need I go on?  You may guess that this was a source of conflict in our home.

Ultimately, through God's steadfast prompting and love for my husband, I practiced cleaning house despite my desire to spend time with people and books. I did read about how to clean and care for a home.  Bonnie's Household Organizer is one of my favorites.  I added books on clutter and how not to be a Messy (books by Sandra Felton).  I looked for help online (check out FlyLady).  And practiced.  And prayed for a willing heart and gentleness when bitterness and resentment brewed.  Little by little our home gained efficiency.  Not perfection, but improvement.

That's why I laughed this morning when three different friends asked for help with their homes.  It's evidence of God at work. 

As far as our home goes, I still pray that God will work in me "both to will and do for His good pleasure."  It takes intentional hard work to keep up with hair on the bathroom floor, laundry, decorating and updating the calendar.  And what a blessing it is when the children pitch in and follow!  God has blessed in this, my place of Samson-weakness.

You already know your area(s) of Samson weakness.  Is God there?  Is He prompting you to obedience and faithfulness?  He will use even those to glorify Himself as we lovingly submit to His working and way.  I pray you will trust Him with your weakness, that He may be strong. 

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-11)

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